Clone of Planning and forecasting tools

Expand your S/4HANA system with SAP IS-OIL (Industry Specific - Oil&Gas) tools:

SAP IS-OIL is a comprehensive SAP solution for the oil and gas industry - from crude oil extraction to sales at service stations.



all business processes of mining activities related to: 

  • searching, 
  • boreholes, 
  • petroleum production, 
  • refining and storage.

Supply & Trading

business processes related to managing and implementing a full set of activities within the mass supply chain, from initial planning to final settlement, ensuring smooth production and distribution.

Downstream Marketing & Retailing

business processes related to secondary distribution, from inventory management in terminals and transport of bulk products, marketing and sale of hydrocarbon products to commercial and retail customers, to management and retail of fuels and dry goods at petrol stations.

Client benefits:

  • Greater operational efficiency. 
  • Business processes unification and streamlining. 
  • A unified fuel retail network with standard, automated processes in all locations. 
  • Full transparency and real-time data for better business control and faster decision-making. 
  • Reduced logistics costs and higher inventory levels for a greater return on investment.
sap is oil sap 4 hana

SAP OIL & GAS provides:

HPM Hydrocarbon Product Management

  • Dynamic conversion of oil and gas quantities, converting volume, mass, and energy under ambient conditions (temperature, pressure, vapor pressure, calorific value, density) into volume, mass, and energy value under standard conditions.
  • Tracking two-step offsets between plants with automatic posting of differences in several units of measurement.
  • Extension of inventory management by several units of measurement.

Management of excise tax, rates, permits (Tariffs, Duties and Permits) TDP

  • Calculation and accounting of excise tax in purchase, sale, and inventory management transactions (production, consumption, inventory), calculation of emission and fuel charges.
  • Sales control to customers with valid licenses.


Transport and distribution management TD

  • Effective transport planning and processing will ensure shipment without delays and scheduled arrival.
  • Effective transport planning and processing ensures that costs are kept at a lower level.
  • Integration with HPM and TDP components allows to handle changes in the amount of oil material caused by changes in pressure and ambient temperature.
  • Extended possibilities of calculating freight costs, shipping costs, and settlement with service agents.

Exchanges Management (EXG)

  • Acquisition directly during the release process from the base.

Additional functionalities of pricing (Marketing, Accounting, and Pricing) MAP

  • Special pricing formulas for the fuel industry.
  • Date and time-based pricing allows for flexible pricing considering the time of day.
  • The two-step invoice approval process means that each invoice is double-checked.
  • Prices with five decimal places.

Additional functionalities of sales support (Marketing, Contracts, and Order Entry) MCOE

  • Maximum minimization of the manual data setting process by quickly entering orders and processing contracts using the following functions: automatic determination of organizational data, displaying and setting the value of items from the last order, and releasing undelivered quantities as part of the contract appeal.

Bulk Distribution Requirements Planning (BDRP)

  • Optimization of planning in the distribution of petroleum products by actively managing customer inventory with supplier inventory.

MRN Marketing Retail Network Management

  • Manage business locations such as service stations, and terminals by managing sales data, supplier data, dealers data, and supply contracts.
  • Support for multiple functions from supply planning to profitability analysis.

TSW Trader's and Scheduler's Workbench

  • It allows you to model the supply chain of an oil company, including pipelines, sea routes, customers, suppliers, and plants.

SSR Service Station Retailing

  • Operation of retail petrol station networks and inventory management.
  • Regularly downloading sales data at service stations.

Learn more about the possibilities of implementing SAP IS-OIL (Indrusty Specific – Oil&Gas) in your company.

Get in touch with our Experts at SI-Consulting!