SI-KSeF is a product of SI Consulting ensuring the integration of the SAP system with the electronic invoicing platform. The solution ensures the distribution of sales invoices and the registration of cost invoices distributed from the KSeF platform.


On 29 October 2021, the law of the Ministry of Finance on using structured invoices was published. From 1 January 2022, the use of the KSeF system is optional, and the acceptance of a structured invoice requires the approval of the recipient of such invoices. The mandatory use of the system is planned to start in 2026 (from February 1, 2026 for entities whose sales value in the previous tax year exceeded PLN 200 million, for others from April 1, 2026).

Structured invoices will be prepared in XML format from the taxpayer's financial and accounting systems and sent to the KSeF system (National e-Invoice System) via API, which precisely describes how the taxpayer's system communicates with the Ministry of Finance database. Each invoice sent to KSeF will have a number identifying the document (with date and time). Assigning an identification number will confirm that the document has been issued and received by the recipient. It should also be remembered that the identification number is not the invoice number and cannot be identified with the invoice number within the meaning of the VAT Act.

Benefits for taxpayers using structured invoices:


  • the invoice will be created in the database of the Ministry of Finance and will never be destroyed or lost. As a result, there will be no need to issue duplicate invoices,
  • structured invoices will be issued according to a uniform template throughout the European Union so that the preparation of the file is simplified and will only require the addition of the legal requirements of the relevant country,
  • settlements along with invoice posting in financial and accounting systems will become easier and standardized,
  • the KSeF database ensures that the invoice was received by the contractor,
  • the invoices' XML file format prevents software issues within companies,
  • shortened VAT refund period.


  1. As a standard, the solution enables integration with the KSeF system directly from the Employer's SAP ERP system or using a proxy server (provided by the Ordering Party).
  2. In the project mode, integration using the SAP PI/PO bus or SCPI or other intermediary systems is possible, e.g. Microsoft Biztalk.
  3. Web Service or ABAP Proxy are used for communication between the SAP ERP/S4 system and intermediate systems. The messages contain XML files compliant with the structure published by the Ministry of Finance. From the technological point of view, the connection between the calling system and the KSeF platform takes place using REST technology. The scope of exchanged messages includes:
  • sales invoices – from the SAP ERP/S4 system, 
  • purchase invoices – incoming to the SAP ERP/S4 system, 
  • Official Receipt Certificates (UPO) confirmation messages. 

General diagram of SI-KSeF integration with KSeF 

The following is a diagram of the SI-KSeF communication with the National e-Invoice System




SI-KSeF System General Menu

Below is a view of the SI-KSeF Solution General Menu.

Signing XML messages 

In accordance with the KSeF specification, the mechanism of establishing and authorizing an interactive session with the KSeF platform API will be used. When initiating a session, the user will be required to sign the XML document initiating the session (i.e. with a certificate that has a mandatory first name (OID. and surname (OID. fields in the entity description and, optionally, a serial number (OID. in accordance with the format: (PNOPL|PESEL).*?(?\\d{11})lub(TINPL|NIP).*?(?\\d{10})) directly on the workstation with the PIN provided by the user using a signature component or on the integration bus using the user's signature (condition - the certificate must be uploaded on the bus) or the seal of the organization (the Ordering Party's company); the seal is called a certificate, which has a mandatory field of the organization's identifier in the entity description (OID. in accordance with the format: (VATPL).*?(?\\d{10}) ) .

Purchase invoices handling

1. The SI-KSeF solution supports downloading invoice documents issued by the supplier from the KSeF portal and then posting them as purchase documents in FI with or without reference to the MM order. Within the scope of the offered solution, support for two scenarios is provided:

Posting a purchase document with a reference to the order.

Posting a purchase document without reference.

2. Reading the invoice from KSeF for Customers who have agreed to receive invoices this way. SI-KSeF ensures that the invoice in a structured form is read and posted in the next step. In this case, the remaining invoice delivery paths should be blocked. Recording of the invoice from the KSeF Receipt Invoice Register takes place taking into account the consent registered within SI-KSeF.

3. Consent management allows you to enter information recorded on consents and attach pdf documents. The diagram of the distribution scenario by KSeF is presented below:




Functional description

1. Recording the invoice in the KSeF Receipt Invoice Register takes place only taking into account the invoice type and the output information containing data from the invoice provided by the Customer.

2. In the scope of SI-KSeF, a report presenting invoice data with the appropriate status is provided. The report generation is based on the selection screen:

3. In the scope of the purchase report, a set of data sent from SI-KSeF in the scope of metadata will be presented. Management of the scope of data presentation will be possible using standard SAP tools (variants). Below is a sample presentation:


Rejestr Faktur Zakupowych


4. Process-wise, within the SI-KSeF solution, an authorized user will indicate documents that have been substantively verified by them and can be posted in the SAP system.

5. Reading the document will be accompanied by an appropriate change of status.

In the register of invoices, information about the KSeF identification number and the document's date of registration will be updated at the same time.


Rejestr Faktur Zakupowych


Handling of sales invoices

1. Within the scope of the offered solution, support for two scenarios is provided:

SCENARIO No. 1 assumes sending invoices to KSeF for Customers who have chosen KSeF as the only way to deliver invoices.

SCENARIO No. 2 assumes sending invoices to KSeF, are delivered to Customers by a different way than KSeF, and registration in KSeF is important for the seller. In addition, SI-KSeF ensures the generation of an invoice in a structured form after the invoice has been saved and posted, if the following conditions are met:

FOR SCENARIO No. 1 Sending an invoice to KSeF for Customers who have agreed to receive invoices this way. At the time of creating the invoice, the corresponding output information will be assigned. At the same time, the other output information responsible for distributing invoices to customers will be deactivated.

The purpose of such action is to define only one way of delivering an invoice to the customer. After generating the accounting document, the output information "KSEF" will be processed, thus the invoice will appear in the "Register of Purchase Invoices" in the SI-KSEF solution.

Obszar SD



Sending to KSeF all other invoices that are delivered by a different way than KSeF. The distribution of documents to customers will take place in an unchanged mode. In addition, the document will appear in the "Register of Sales Invoices" with the possibility of sending it to the KSeF Platform.

2. In the scope of SI-KSeF, a report presenting invoice data with the appropriate status is provided.

  • The report generation is based on the selection screen:
Rejestr Faktur Sprzedażowych


3. In the scope of the sales report, a set of data sent to SI-KSeF will be presented, broken down into headings and document items. Management of the scope of data presentation will be possible using standard SAP tools (variants). Below is a sample presentation:




4. Process-wise, within the SI-KSeF solution, an authorized user will indicate documents that have been substantively verified by them and can be sent to KSeF. Such documents will be confirmed by an electronic signature as part of the SI-KSeF solution in accordance with the guidelines defined by KSeF. Sending the document will make appropriate changes to the status. The corresponding information received from KSeF – Official Receipt Certificate (UPO) – will be recorded in the reference to the sent invoice. In the register of invoices, information about the KSeF identification number and the date of registration of the document will be updated at the same time.





Such a possibility is not part of the standard solution. Technically, it is possible to install a signed certificate on the data bus and retrieve it automatically with a batch task set on the ERP, but such solutions will be individually priced for customers.

Our solution operates only on invoices issued in the SAP SD module. All other data sources require a separate analysis and valuation of the implementation.

Invoice document posting takes place when posting the document in SD - in this element, the process does not change. KSEF works only as an additional information output (distribution channel) of the invoice to the recipient.

This is currently not clearly defined. Certainly not during optional use of the KSEF. Ultimately, 2 options are possible - combining the two systems into one or data exchange between PEF and KSEF at the level of the Ministry of Finance.

Until KSEF obligation enters into force, you can also use alternative channels. After they do, you can use other channels as auxiliary, but you must be careful not to double post input invoices.

Is it possible that the customer will not be able to introduce KSeF from I.2023 and will expect to send documents in traditional form?

The deadline for the mandatory launch of KSEF is not yet clearly defined, however, if there is an obligation, the customer cannot expect us to send invoices by other means.

The deadline for the mandatory launch of KSEF is not yet clearly defined, however, if there is an obligation, the customer cannot expect us to send invoices by other means.

Document transfer to KSEF takes place no sooner than the document has been posted. The KSEF number will not be in the FI document, it will appear back in our invoice register.

There is no unambiguous interpretation of what will happen after the entry into force of the obligation, but probably not.

In our dashboard with the invoice log.

This depends on the error that will result in no entry in the KSEF: there are some that can be corrected without a contra entry and the next generation of xml will correct the corresponding fields, but there are also those that require cancellation and a correction to the source document.

The dashboard shows the invoice log with processing statuses, one of them is the correct processing by the KSEF system. Such an invoice also receives a KSEF ID number.

No, this can be viewed in our invoice register or error logs.

You can send an invoice on a different day than it was issued, it has changed since the presentation of the Ministry of Finance in November.

Yes, the accounting happens before processing in KSEF. The document rejected by the KSEF system needs to be corrected and resent in order to be accepted.

The KSEF number will only be visible in our tool unless someone wants to have it in the FI document, then we will implement this functionality as a project. It needs to be priced separately.

No, documents can be processed in bulk.

Yes, documents can be verified by displaying the source document and the xml structure, you can also use a validation that will check for structural errors (it will show, for example, unfilled mandatory fields, incorrect data format). However, the final verification of the correctness of xml takes place on the side of the system of the Ministry of Finance, there is no possibility to test-send invoices.

Yes. The field will be filled in automatically. In the case of corrective invoices, the original invoice (corrected) should be submitted first, so as to obtain the sales invoice ID (KSeF ID).

It all depends on the type of error. If the error concerns fields downloaded directly from the invoice, you can withdraw the unsent invoice from the Register of Invoices, then delete it and re-issue the correct document.
If the error concerns elements related to the invoice (e.g. order, delivery, accounting document), you can correct the source data and regenerate XML for this document.
The error of sending the generated object to KSeF may also occur due to the lack of updating the supplied software (e.g. in the case of changes in the XSD diagram), in which case it requires a rewinding, installation of a new version of SI-KSEF and a new generation of the message.

Status is information about the shipping process. 
If the document has the status "incorrect", you can additionally validate the document, then we will receive accurate information about the inconsistencies.

We recommend validation before each submission of documents

Yes, invoices to foreign entities are to be sent to the KSEF and in parallel through the existing communication channel.

Such a possibility is not part of the standard solution. Technically, it is possible to install a signed certificate on the data bus and retrieve it automatically with a batch task set on the ERP, but such solutions will be individually priced for customers.

A version of the webinar recording with subtitles in English will be prepared.

Such a possibility is not part of the standard solution. Technically, it is possible to install a signed certificate on the data bus and retrieve it automatically with a batch task set on the ERP, but such solutions will be individually priced for customers.

You can select the whole selected list and sign it together.

It is not possible to display a PDF from our dashboard, but it is possible to keep the standard output information for printing in the sales document.

Cash invoices are also to be sent to KSEF. Ultimately, the Ministry of Finance talked about the possibility of sending to a customer who does not have a system, a link enabling the invoice to be read. On the other hand, receipts recognized as an invoice issued in accordance with article 106e section 5 point 3, issued by the cash register, for the use of the toll motorway, for the supply of goods or services exempt from VAT pursuant to art. 43 section 1 points 2–6, 8–36 or provisions issued on the basis of art. 82 section 3 of the VAT Act; for the provision of services exempt from VAT pursuant to art. 43 section 1 points 37–41 and art. 113 section 1 and 9 of the VAT Act, if they do not contain data referred to in art. 106e section 1 point 4.

For corrections, this works analogously.

A document that has been sent to the KSeF Platform (entered into legal circulation) cannot be cancelled. 

As of now, there is no consent form specified by the regulations, so there freedom of form. This is not be attended to by the KSEF system. The obtained consent will be entered manually in our solution into the consent table for a specific company within a specific date range.

The dashboard shows the invoice log with processing statuses, one of them is the correct processing by the KSEF system. Such an invoice also receives a KSEF ID number. The report is an ALV list so it can be freely configured and uploaded to external files.

It works similarly to a productive system only at a different address. Details are described on this page: posting and collection require a certified signature, as on the productive system.

Yes, you can pick one or select collectively and send together.

If they don't agree, the invoice must be delivered in parallel with the existing communication channel. The system will automatically start all existing SD invoice output information based on the consent table.

Mappings are carried out at the stage of analysis by our consultants. Basically, the solution standard already has ready configurable mapping of all mandatory fields based on the SAP standard.

We're not assuming that right now,

In the current version of the solution, this is not possible.

No, in a separate consent table.

There will be a separate webinar on this topic on April 1, 2022.

Yes, if such a need will come up during the ideation phase, it will be priced and is possible to be implemented.

We do not assume an extension in the standard solution. This can be done on a project basis with a separate analysis and individual pricing.

Yes, you can pick one or select collectively and send together.

No, also outgoing invoices to foreign customers.

We do not assume an extension in the standard solution. This can be done on a project basis with a separate analysis and individual pricing.

Yes, you can exclude an invoice from the selection to send.

As a standard solution, yes.

We do not assume an extension in the standard solution. This can be done on a project basis with a separate analysis and individual pricing.

The dashboard shows the invoice log with processing statuses, one of them is the correct processing by the KSEF system. Such an invoice also receives a KSEF ID number. The report is an ALV list so it can be freely configured and uploaded to external files.

It's not a part of the standard solution. This can be done on a project basis with a separate analysis and individual pricing.

Invoice document posting takes place when posting the document in SD - in this element, the process does not change. KSEF works only as an additional information output (distribution channel) of the invoice to the recipient.

KSEF does not support attachments. If they are defined as separate output information, they should remain and be sent via the existing communication channel.

Yes, on the basis of a separate analysis and pricing of the implementation.

It is true that JPK-FA does not contain incoming invoices, so potentially the KSEF could replace it, but there is no unambiguous answer of the Ministry of Finance.

There will be a separate webinar on this topic on April 1, 2022.

All information is available in a single report. In the selection window you can select invoices "unconfirmed/incorrect", additionally you can narrow down the results to indicate a specific date and time of shipment.

The FI invoice number is assigned at the time of posting before shipment to the KSEF and is not related to the shipment itself.

The data is downloaded to xml KSEF not only from the invoice document, as a standard all mandatory fields are mapped, at the concept stage consultants support the mapping of other expected fields.

(...)  contra entered? Will the shipment in the "standard" form be carried out only after the invoice has been successfully sent to KSEF?

There is no such correlation in our tool - these are independent output information of the SD invoice.


(...)  recorded next to the e-invoice (corrected invoice) so that when issuing a corrective invoice it can be downloaded and saved in the corridor content?


In the case of corrective invoices, the original invoice (corrected) should be submitted first, so as to obtain the sales invoice ID (KSeF ID).

In the case of a corrective invoice, the KSeF ID will be downloaded and saved automatically.

KSEF does not support attachments. If they are defined as separate output information, they should remain and be sent via the existing communication channel.

(...) PI/PO and SCPI?


That's right, appropriate mapping on the SAP PI/PO/SCPI side will be required. Mapping is not in the scope of the SI-KSEF standard offer, it requires a separate pricing.

Permission management at KSeF is implemented as part of our solution. It is worth mentioning that in connection with the GDPR, our solution does not store the mapping of KSeF rights in SAP. If it is necessary to check the permissions, an API authorized with a signature is called, requesting the KSEF system for the current permissions. In the same way, the granting and revocation of privileges is triggered.

During the period in which using the KSeF system is voluntary, only structured invoices are issued there. Structured invoices are one of the forms of issuing an invoice in accordance with the VAT Act (next to the paper or electronic version).

We understood, that by an invoice not confirmed in KSeF, our Guests meant an invoice rejected by the system, i.e. inconsistent with the logical structure or issued by an unauthorized person.

The moment of sending the invoice to the KSeF system is equivalent to issuing it. Correct issuance allows the invoice to be assigned an identification number in KSeF, which determines when the contractor receives the invoice that can be downloaded. Thus, in our opinion, the invoice rejected by KSeF cannot be considered to be entered into business circulation (issued within the meaning of the VAT Act).

(...) the date of sending and invoice to KSeF?

The so-called VAT date determines the obligations and deadlines associated with issuing an invoice within a specified time period.

The moment of sending the invoice to the KSeF system is equivalent to issuing it. At the same time, when the invoice receives an identification number in KSeF, then the counterparty is considered to have received the invoice.

It is possible that the field P_1 (date of issue) in the invoice be supplemented with a different date than the date of sending the invoice to the KSeF system.

The date from which the payment term is calculated is regulated by the agreement in force between the parties to the transaction.

(...) Will sending in the "standard" form be carried out only after the invoice has been successfully sent to KSeF?

If the current wording of the VAT Act is retained after the introduction of the mandatory usage of KSeF, the moment of sending the invoice to the KSeF system will be equivalent to its issuance. According to the current position of the

Ministry of Finance, the invoice issued by KSeF can then be available to foreign customers in the form of e.g. a printout or a PDF file. However, it will be necessary to issue an invoice in KSeF beforehand.

According to the replies of the Ministry of Finance in the Q&A section regarding KSeF, in the case of issuing an invoice with an incorrect TIN, it will be possible to correct the invoice to zero, and then issue another invoice with the correct TIN. In other cases, the Ministry of Finance does not mention the possibility of correcting the invoice to zero.

Currently, the usage of the KSeF system is optional. Only structured invoices are issued in the KSeF system, which is one of the forms of issuing invoices in accordance with the VAT Act (next to the paper or electronic version).

If the current wording of the VAT Act is retained after the introduction of the mandatory usage of KSeF, the moment of sending the invoice to the KSeF system will be equivalent to its issuance. According to the current position of the Ministry of Finance, the invoice issued by KSeF can then be available to foreign customers in the form of e.g. a printout or a PDF file. However, it will be necessary to issue an invoice in KSeF beforehand.

Currently, there are no legal regulations specifying possible specific rules for making sales invoices available to foreign entities in KSeF. There is also no information on what this may look like when the obligation to issue all invoices in KSeF enters into force.

According to the replies of the Ministry of Finance in the Q&A section regarding KSeF, in the case of issuing an invoice with an incorrect TIN, it will be possible to correct the invoice to zero, and then issue another invoice with the correct TIN.

In accordance with the current provisions of the VAT Act, an invoice with the KSeF system identification number is considered as received by the buyer. It can be assumed that in practice the tax authorities will consider the moment of the invoice receipt as the moment of its delivery.

The current voluntary version of the KSeF system does not impose a date of sale. In principle, the moment of sending the invoice to the KSeF system is the moment of its issuance. It is possible that the field P_1 (date of issue) in the invoice be supplemented with a different date than the date of sending the invoice to the KSeF system.

According to the information provided on the government website, the PEF system and the optional KSeF system will be separate systems (source: There is no information about the PEF system's future, when the mandatory KSeF is introduced.

During the voluntary period of the KSeF system, invoices issued to individuals do not need to be registered with KSeF – only structured invoices are issued in the KSeF system, which are one of the forms of issuing an invoice in accordance with the VAT Act (next to the paper or electronic version).

Currently, the KSeF system allows for issuing a structured invoice to a natural person and making it available, among others, through anonymous access.

(...) an identification number is received from KSeF.

In practice, it is assumed that the invoice put into business circulation is that which has been issued and delivered to the counterparty. According to the current provisions of the VAT Act, the moment of sending the invoice to the KSeF system is equivalent to its issuance. At the same time, the moment of assigning the invoice number identifying it in KSeF is the moment when it is considered as received by the counterparty. Thus, in our opinion, it can be assumed that when the invoice is sent to KSeF, it is put into business circulation (it is issued within the meaning of the VAT Act). Regardless, according to the information provided by the Ministry of Finance on the optional version of KSeF, the seller has the opportunity, after issuing an invoice in KSeF, to provide a printout of the invoice or a PDF file with it. The KSeF identification number does not need to be on the printout. We emphasize that the information of the Ministry of Finance regarding the lack of the KSeF identification number on the printout is not legally binding.

In the box solution, the receipt of invoices from KSeF takes place at the request of the SAP user. Available invoices are retrieved when the process is started from the SI-KSEF dashboard.

Both the process of sending invoices and downloading is triggered at the user's request by performing a dedicated action in the SI-KSEF cockpit.

Authorization takes place first at the SAP level (checking system roles), and then in the KSeF API (roles assigned in the API), where the digital

An invoice received from KSeF is considered technically correct (compliance with the scheme is verified by API) and is not subject to modification in the SI-KSEF solution. In the case of business errors in further processing (parking of invoices, transfer to the acceptance workflow, etc.), each of them should be considered individually. Errors resulting from the operation of the SI-KSEF solution are repaired under warranty.

Yes, VIM is SAP Invoice Management by Open Text. No, the version doesn't matter. Integration with VIM (as well as any other existing SAP tool for processing invoices from suppliers) is implemented individually in the project mode.

At the moment, we do not know whether the KSEF will be obligatory for everyone, if so, we will adapt our product to the current requirements. As a result of consent, they will be available as a usable option. 

At the moment, the date of mandatory launch of the KSEF is not known.

If this requirement comes into force, the issuance of electronic invoices by all entities will be obligatory.

No, SI-KSEF works for both ECC 6.0 and S/4HANA.

Invoices in KSEF have a structured XML format. We do not assume visualization in the form of a pdf.

You can select a payment method in the posting document. 

A message informing about the lack of it in the master data will be displayed. The file must then be verified. 

By a given metric - a document originating from KSEF may not be handled in the document posting process.

It will simply remain unverified and unprocessed. There is no official interpretation of the Ministry of Finances in this case.

At the moment, we do not know whether the KSEF will be obligatory for everyone, if so, we will adapt our product to the current requirements. Consents will be available as an option to use.

The course will be retrieved from the purchase invoice XML.

It is possible to change it based on the date of conversion - then the exchange rate will be taken from the SAP tables or it will also be possible to enter it manually.

At the moment, we do not know what errors may happen.

However, it seems to us that they may be associated with, for example, the incorrect, incomplete XML file provided by the gateway.

The advance payment is one of the types of documents released for circulation in the KSeF by the Ministry of Finance.

The manner of their processing and accounting will depend on the customer and their specificity.

At the moment, we do not know whether the KSEF will be obligatory for everyone, if so, we will adapt our product to the current requirements. Consents will be available as an option to use.

Our product is mainly aimed at customers using SAP as a base tool.

Please submit your survey so that we can assess whether we are able to take up the challenge.

Assuming the term "our" JPK product means SAP-licensed SAF_T.

No, SAF_T and SI-KSEF products are independent and have a separate configuration.

There is no tool dedicated to scanning in our product.

However, we can take the implementation of such a challenge on. 

The initially introduced document can be modified as required. 

Is there a translation prepared for the transaction into English?

Yes, the product is supported in EN. 

Our tool is integrated with the client's workflow.

Please send the survey along with information about the workflow you are using. 

Our dates are the same as the SAP dates in the FI/MM document fi mm When it comes to the date of receipt, it is a matter of setting the mapping. 

The exchange rate will be retrieved from the purchase invoice XML.

It is possible to change it based on the date of conversion, then the exchange rate will be taken from the SAP tables or you can also change it manually.

At the moment we do not know, there is no official information. 

All documents will be ready to process the preloaded document. The next step is direct posting. 

Yes, mappings will be configurable and supported in the project mode. If the structure changes, then our product will of course also be adapted to the prevailing requirements.

(...)  while the smallest foreign company registered in PL for VAT purposes processes only several documents per month. It's hard to imagine a license for both companies costing the same.


No, the licensing policy is based on the number of companies and average turnover for companies on the same system installation. The internal distribution of license costs between companies at the customer depends on their internal arrangements.

The above answers do not constitute legal or tax advice and were developed based on, among others, the questions and answers section on KSeF published by the Ministry of Finance, which is not a source of law.