IMFOOD is a platform supporting the innovative nutrition system in health care facilities proposed by IMPEL Catering. IMFOOD enables hospitals to adapt their meals to specialised diets that meet all sanitary regimes and are tasty and attractively served.

IMPEL Catering sp. z o.o. od lat świadczy usługi cateringowe wielu klientom. Niezależnie od branży wdraża efektywne oraz nowatorskie rozwiązania stojąc na straży różnorodności, dobrego smaku i estetyki podania potraw. Wszystkie oferowane posiłki przygotowywane są wyłącznie ze świeżych składników, pochodzących od sprawdzonych dostawców.


IMPEL Catering sp. z o.o. has been providing catering services to many Clients for years. Regardless of the industry, it implements effective and innovative solutions, upholding diversity, good taste and attractive food serving. All offered meals are prepared exclusively from fresh ingredients from reliable suppliers.

In 2018, the company set itself a new challenge – to build new nutritional standards in hospitals. The restaurant system attractively served and tasty dishes and a better-balanced diet are the main elements of the new approach to catering services in the state hospital. This is how the IMFOOD project was created, and Si-Consulting became its contractor for the technological part – an IT platform supporting an innovative nutrition system in healthcare facilities. The system allows for customised meals for specialised diets that meet all sanitary regimes. 

In June 2018, specialists from Si-Consulting sp. z o.o. conducted a preliminary analysis and developed a framework concept of the target IT system. The Platform includes:

  • database module (basic data),
  • menu module,
  • storage management module,
  • recipe module.

In order to automate the processes, the necessary interfaces with SAP and Clients' hospital systems have been prepared.

- The cooperation with Si-Consulting team was exemplary; we were kept informed about the progress of work, all suggestions and needs of the company were taken into account (...) We hope for further fruitful cooperation in the development of the IMFOOD project, says Krzysztof Bruski, President of the Board of IMPEL Catering