Santander Consumer Bank – SANCOL

Sancol is an application supporting the debt collection process, which was created from scratch for Santander Consumer Bank – a credit bank – one of the leaders of the consumer finance market in Poland. The system includes a mobile application for debt collectors and coordinators and a web application for managing information flow with debt collectors.

The mobile application is used for daily work by debt collectors in the field. It works both online and offline. The created solution uses the third-party application to support map functionality – OpenStreetMap. A tablet (mobile device) can be configured to be used by only one system user. The synchronisation between the mobile application and the system database takes place in a time interval individually selected by the user from a list of possible intervals. The list may contain a default value if the interval that the user has selected is not in the list or has not yet selected it yet.

A separate mechanism – apart from the system specification – is the frequency of data exchange between the system under construction and the Client's domain systems. The preparation of the print job template is done by the sever: during this time; the mobile application works online. An online connection is required to generate a PDF file. The debt collector's ID is assigned to each order and outdated (cancelled) orders. On this basis, the debt collector's orders are available in the mobile application. All screens in the mobile application can be modified in terms of field layout or naming. Security of access to applications and data has been prepared to meet the bank's standards.

List of available functionalities in the mobile application:

  1. Order management
  2. Viewing a document repository
  3. Planning calls and meetings (mini-organiser)
  4. Viewing contact and message list
  5. Reviews of cancelled (expired) orders
  6. Viewing order list and order details
  7. Planning of the day
  8. Adding a comment to an order

Adding intervention reports
The web application is an element of the system responsible for user administration and management. After logging in, based on the assigned role, the user has access to a specific panel, with defined functionalities. If a user has more than one role, they can switch to the panel they want to use. 

List of available functionalities in the web application:

  1. Adding and editing user accounts
  2. Generate new password / ublock account
  3. Access to the event log
  4. Parameterisation of application settings
  5. Defining announcements for debt collectors
  6. Defining of X report’s dictionaries