Since the beginning of the SAP environment, one of its main goals has been to offer the best solutions for business problems that are both efficient and error-proof. Initially, the user interface was not the first priority for SAP software developers, although more or less successful attempts were made using the WebDynpro and SAP Personas themes.
Solution concept
This state of affairs changed dramatically when a new idea – SAP Fiori – appeared. The concept of SAP Fiori is very simple – to create an interface as simple as possible and as extensive as needed, and moreover - and perhaps most importantly – to make it responsive, so that in the age of smartphones and mobile access, the use of SAP tools is equally convenient, regardless of the equipment used. In the next step, instead of extensive applications for multiple uses, users should only get what they really need, for example, users entering data - the ability to enter data, managers - the ability to analyse it quickly.
SAP Fiori functionalities
The idea of SAP Fiori gave birth to a product - based on a dedicated SAPUI5 library, built-in for many years into the SAP NetWeaver product, SAP Fiori platform. It offers access to SAP system functionalities from virtually any device with Internet access and a browser, and in the case of mobile devices - also using a dedicated SAP Fiori Client application for Android and iOS. A vast array of standard applications, which reflect many of the most frequently used transactions, allows you to find the most suitable application for your current needs and existing system architecture. SAP Fiori Launchpad, as the central starting point for working with the SAP system, groups applications according to the subject matter, according to the user’s rights and his role in the organisation, thus offering the user exactly what he needs in his daily work - in a comfortable and pleasing form.
Due to modern technologies and open standards used in the process of preparing SAP Fiori, this product is very extensively modifiable - starting from such simple aspects as branding and colour layer adjustment, through modifications and expansion of screens, to complete reconstruction of the operating logic.
The SAP Fiori product is addressed to SAP system users at all levels of the organisation, and the fact that it is based on existing system tools allows for quick implementations, taking into account the already implemented business specificity of each company.