IT Security

One of the most important areas that every company should consider in its current operations is IT security. Nowadays, when almost every business activity relies on some IT system, prudent risk management of processed information becomes something necessary. Companies cannot afford to lose at least a part of their data, as this may mean a reduction in profit and, in extreme cases, even the impossibility of continuing to operate.

The security of each company should be based on several pillars, each of which should lead to optimisation of the risk involved in the operations of the organisation. It is essential that risk mitigation solutions are chosen so that their cost does not exceed the value of the risk itself.

SI-Consulting helps to select and provide solutions for every pillar of a secure company:


  • Availability – we make sure that systems, applications and data processed in them are accessible to users at all times, we minimise system downtime, which can result from various random situations – from simple hardware failure to hacking attacks. The solutions we offer to minimise risk in this area include: HA cluster services, virtualisation systems, Disaster Recovery systems, backup systems, sandbox systems
  • Integrity and confidentiality – we provide you with the assurance that the data you have received from the system will not be modified or swapped by someone unauthorised.  We also make sure that only authorised persons have access to this data. Risks in this area can be optimised with solutions such as data encryption systems or directory service systems that manage secure authorisation. Our portfolio includes specific products supporting this security pillar, such as Microsoft 365, Microsoft Active Directory or Fortinet Network Security.
  • Accountability – it is necessary to ensure that specific actions can be clearly identified and assigned to specific users or processes. This is ensured by appropriate event monitoring and logging systems, together with the integrity and confidentiality of the recorded data described above.